Junot Diaz is an incredible author.
I recently read
The Brief Wondrous Life
of Oscar Wao for the second time and was absolutely floored by its
narrative complexity and emotional resonance. The story focuses primarily on
Oscar Wao, an overweight ghetto nerd living in Paterson, New Jersey. Oscar is
obsessed with Science Fiction, fantasy, and anything that provides an escape
from the depressingly awful circumstances of his life. The novel deals with a
number of themes, ranging from the construction of gender to how Diaspora can
change someone’s life. I can’t recommend the novel enough. Anyone interested in
sci-fi, adulthood, Latin-american literature, or book in general will greatly
enjoy this book. It’s hard to imagine Diaz topping this novel anytime soon. It’s
an incredible achievement that I hope will stand the test of time.
While I could talk for hours about The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao,
this post will focus on Diaz’s short story “Aurora” in the collection Drown. Since I originally created this
blog to review short fiction, I hope to continue this for as long as possible.
After finishing the first four stories in Drown,
I can safely say that the literary quality of Diaz’s short fiction is on par
with TBWLOW. His stories exhibit the
same kind of voice and style present in his longer work. The same narrator is
present in both Drown and TBWLOW, making the two works feel like
companions to each other. Most authors I’m familiar with switch narrators
frequently, while Diaz is content to keep the same narrator. As a part-time
writer of fiction, this makes sense to me as it maintains a common thread
throughout multiple books. When you can keep something the same in multiple
stories, this lessens the amount of work for the writer. The narrator’s name is
Yunior and for lack of a better term, he’s a douche. He spends the majority of
his time womanizing to build up his fragile ego. In his defense, Yunior does
seem to mature later, but his early life is rife with abuse perpetrated by and
against him. It’s critical to discuss Yunior because he is always present in both
Drown and TBWLOW. With Yunior, Diaz has created a character who may not be
likeable, but has arguably redeemed himself by telling us the stories in the
first place.
“Aurora” comes at a point when
Yunior seems to be in high-school or possibly older. Along with his
friend/co-worker named Cut, Yunior has made a steady living dealing drugs in
New Jersey. It’s an interesting point in Yunior’s life because he’s making bad
decisions all over the place. There’s a tension between what Yunior is doing
and how he knows it’s bad. Yunior can’t seem to stop himself from indulging in
activities that are dangerous and rewarding in the short-term future. The
reader is presented several times with Yunior’s thoughts upon waking in which
he laments his choices the prior night. One consistent form of danger comes in
the form of Aurora, the title character of the story who is difficult to fully
understand as a person. Aurora appears to Yunior sporadically, always ready to
do drugs and have sex in exchange for something. It’s easy to dismiss Aurora as
a drug-addicted burnout, yet she’s a surprisingly complex character. She’s
appealing enough that Yunior describes his relationship with her as love,
despite how it sometimes looks like abuse. To me, the story presented a
commentary on love as something hard to define. Is Yunior really
in love with Aurora, or is he addicted
to what she provides for him physically? Yunior seems convinced that it’s love
but I find myself unwilling to accept Yunior as a credible source.
The story ends in a hardly
surprising difficult place. Aurora has been released from Juvenile Hall and met
up with Yunior in an abandoned apartment. It’s a fleeting moment of happiness
for both characters and Yunior admits that everything seems fine. It’s tragic
because any semblance of normalcy in this moment will disappear because for
these characters because love is intertwined with hate and normal equates with
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